陳淑芳 理事


陳淑芳 理事



台灣身心障礙者就業權益促進協會 秘書長
勞動部勞動力發展署桃竹苗、雲嘉南分署 訪視委員、外聘督導
勞動部勞動力發展署桃竹苗、中彰投身心障礙者職業重建資源中心 輔導委員
縣市政府及非營利組織輔導訪視、評鑑委員、教育訓練技職涯諮商老師、職重業務 外聘督導
身心障礙者職前準備、就業適應成長團體及課程 帶領講師


台灣師範大學復健諮商研究所 碩士


Everything DiSC -職場行為風格國際認證講師


*Yao-Jen Chang, Shu-Fang Chen, An-Fu Chuang, A Gesture Recognition System to Transition Autonomously Through Vocational Tasks for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments, Research in Developmental Disabilities, accepted (SSCI, IF=3.201)
*Yao-Jen Chang, Tsen-Yung Wang, Shu-Fang Chen, Tien-Shyan Ma, Anomaly Detection to Increase Commuter Safety for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments, Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, DOI: 10.1007/s10882-011-9251-3 (SSCI, IF=1.024)
*Yao-Jen Chang, Shu-Fang Chen, Zhi-Zhan Lu An Accelerometer-based Handheld System to Reduce Breaks in Performance of Young Adults with Cognitive Impairments, Research in Developmental Disabilities, doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2011.07.007 (SSCI, IF=3.201)
*Yao-Jen Chang, Shu-Fang Chen, Jun-Da Huang A Kinect-based system for physical rehabilitation: a pilot study for young adults with motor disabilities, Research in Developmental Disabilities, doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2011.07.002 (SSCI, IF=3.201)
*Yao-Jen Chang, Ming-Yang Lee, Li-Der Chou, Shu-Fang Chen and Yi-Chien Chen A Mobile Wetness Detection System Enabling Teachers to Toilet Train Children with Intellectual Disabilities in a Public School Setting, Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, DOI: 10.1007/s10882-011-9243-3 (SSCI, IF=1.024)
*Yao-Jen Chang, Shu-Ming Peng, Yan-Ru Chen, Hung-Chi Chen, Tsen-Yung Wang, Shu-Fang Chen, Autonomous Indoor Wayfinding for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments, Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 7:45, September 2010. pp. 1-13. (SCI, SSCI, IF=2.64)
*Yao-Jen Chang, Tsen-Yung Wang, Shu-Fang Chen, Rhi-Hua Liao, Student Engineers as Agents of Change: Combining Social Inclusion in the Professional Development of Electrical and Computer Engineering Students, Systemic Practice and Action Research, Vol. 24, No. 3, 2011. 237-245 (SSCI, IF=0.518)
*Yao-Jen Chang, Shu-Fang Chen, and Li-Der Chou, A Feasibility Study of Enhancing Independent Task Performance for People with Cognitive Impairments Through Use of a Handheld Location-Based Prompting System, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN BIOMEDICINE, VOL. 16, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 2012. pp. 1157-1163
*Yao-Jen Chang, Yan-Ru Chen, Tsen-Yung Wang, Shu-Fang Chen, and Rhi-Hua Liao, Enriching service learning by its diversity: Combining university service learning and corporate social responsibility to help the NGOs adapt technology to their needs, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 10.1007/s11213-013-9278-8 (SSCI, IF=0.518)
*Yao-Jen Chang, Li-Der Chou, Tsen-Yung Wang, Shu-Fang Chen, A Kinect-based Vocational Task Prompting System for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2013. pp. 351-358. (SCI/SSCI, IF=0.938)
*Yao-Jen Chang, Kang-Ping Lin, Li-Der Chou, Shu-Fang Chen, Tian-Shyan Ma, Statistical Anomaly Detection for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine (now titled IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics) , Vol. 18, No. 1, 2014. pp. 384-390. (SCI)
*Yao-Jen Chang, Yan-Ru Chen, Frank Tsen-Yung Wang, Shu-Fang Chen, Rhi-Hua Liao,Enriching Service Learning by its Diversity: Combining University Service Learning and Corporate Social Responsibility to Help the NGOs Adapt Technology to Their Needs Systemic Practice and Action Research
April 2014, Volume 27, Issue 2, pp 185-193. (SSCI)







